With emotion the study days “Youth, Culture and Institutions” concluded this morning their forth edition dedicated to the theme “Dialogue on the future: statutes of making and thinking”, . The confrontation of very different voices, both for training and for the multiplicity of the geographic and geopolitical areas represented (Pakistan and India, Vietnam and France, Ukraine and Russia …), not to mention the invited personalities at the round table, made even more solid the theoretical hypothesis and the historical cultural profile that guided the debate: if the future is complexity by antonomasia, entering complexity means placing the theme “Future” in the concreteness of the paths, means reappropriation of a strong subjectivity, which coukd appear alienated in the abstractions of Performing Subjects (the Future, History, the Past, Identity thought in their hypostasis) that have been constructed by the intellectual paths of our Modernity; in other words it means reappropriation of the languages ​​that work beside too the rules or as rules, giving value to the techniques as the intrinsic nature of doing and thinking. Soon feedback and photographs will be published, and a link to the booklet will be created.

For now, thanks to the young participants and distinguished speakers, to the colleagues of the Center who are the strength of this project, to the University of Trieste that gives its patronage and is cooperating with a formal work agreement with the Centre.

Gabriella Valera

Here some photos: