Poesia e Solidarietà



World Youth Forum Right to Dialogue XI Edition

Debates, Cultural-historical Events, Friendship





27 – 30 September 2018

Organizer: Associazione Poesia e Solidarietà


In cooperation with

Centro Internazionale di Studi e Documentazione

                                                per la Cultura Giovanile – Trieste




Trieste (Italy)

Septemberer 27


Sala Multimediale Tessitori- Consiglio Regionale,

Piazza Oberdan 5, Trieste


September 28 – 30, 2018

University of Trieste

Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies

via Fabio Filzi 14





Thursday, September 27



5,30 – 7.15 pm

Sala Multimediale Tessitori- Consiglio Regionale, Piazza Oberdan 5, Trieste

“The Silk Road: culture and economy”

With Francesco Defilippo, journalist and essayist talking about his “Il dragone rampante” (The rampant dragon), and Antoine Cid, president of Nouvelles Routes France-Chine. La Croisée des Regards.
With the participation and conduction of Francesco Russo, Vice President of  FVG Regional Council.





Friday, September 28

Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies



8,00 am


Registration of the participants



9,15 am

Main Hall

Introduction to the Forum



10,00 am – 1,30 pm

Parallel Panels




From Individual to Value. The Form of Relationships
Ethics and Power


I, 1

Hall D3


Alessandra Coppola/ Antoine Cid


Carla  Acciavatti (Italy)

Environmental prevention specialist

Etica: possibilità per l’uomo di riscoprire la propria unicità nell’epoca della comunicazione di massa

(Ethics: possibility for man to rediscover his uniqueness in the age of mass communication)


Mehdi Rezgui (Tunisia)

Cultural Studies’ researcher at the Higher Institute of Languages – Tunis

The will to Ethics: beyond ethical responsibility


Kristina Khutsishvili (Russian Federation / Italy)

PhD candidate at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa

The issues of responsibility in the age of popular


Mirela Dragu (Romania)

Business analyst at BearingPoint

Ethics in organizational leadership


Nana Robitashvili (Georgia)

Deputy Director of Tbilisi Youth Centers Union

Ethical leadership: why do Ethics matter for organizational success?




Economic and Ethical Values. That is: on Complexity


II, 1

Hall A1


Natalia Kiseleva / Gabriella Valera


Sutauri Duisembiyeva (Kazakhstan)

Head researcher – Scientist’s Union of Kazakhstan

Economic Ethics: philosophy for economists


Georgi Filipov (Bulgaria)

President of Europe on the move

Economic Ethics – discipline and responsibilities


Florinda Ndoja (Albania)

Finance lecturer

The Ethical economic situation in Albania: the drivers to growth and change of political mentality and Ethics


Tamara Tica (Bosnia and Herzegovina / Serbia)

Political science student at the University of Belgrade

To have a (sustainable) cake and eat it too: ethical consumption under capitalism


Arjeta Hallunovi Shpuza (Albania)

Lecturer / researcher (PhD) at the Aleksander Moisiu Univeristy – Durres

Ethics in public administration in Albania


Iva Kazanxhiu (Albania)

Lawyer at B-Pro company

Free professions in European Union: lawyers




Generating Values: Communication, Information, Dialogue


III, 1

Hall D1


Desh Dwivedi


Olufemi Mirth Adenitan (Nigeria)

(Bsc LLB MA), Executive Director at Green House Resource Center (GHRC), Nigeria

Rethinking knowledge production in Nigeria: operationalising the concept of decolonizing the mind


Akintunde Hareef Akerele (Nigeria / Germany)

Student at the University of Stuttgart (Masters Geomatics Engineering)

Communication Ethics in social services


Rim Hayat Chaif (Algeria / Italy)

Investigative journalist, blogger and human rights activist

Algeria: journalism Ethics on reporting about migration issues


Olena Butnyk (Ukraine)

Associate Professor at the Department of Law and Public Administration – Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Ethics in the digital world


Tatiana Semenova (Russian Federation)

Researcher at National Research University Higher School of Economics

The problem of Ethics in online learning


Anna Kabba (Russian Federation / United Kingdom)

Founder at Arts With Anna society

Ethics in art management



III, 2

Hall G1


Enrico Elefante/ Hari Bertoja


Spencer Melang Kafa (Cameroon)

Research Student in Sociology/Anthropology at the FONAP Polytechnic – Buea

Communication Ethics in the human and business environment


Milena Rubleva (Russian Federation)

Master student in Cultural and Intellectual History, HSE (Moscow) / University of Cologne

Russian digital archives: Ethics as marketing tool


Cristina Teodora Stoica (Canada)

Ph.D. Student at University of Western Ontario

The ‘Goodness’ of Ethics?’: the importance of commitment and regulation of ethical conduct in research publications


Viktor Miloshevski (Macedonia, Rep. of / Spain)

Doctorand at the University of Balearic Islands in the field of Human Cognition and Evolution

Onlife community debate, thinking about ethics in the infosphere


Natalia Evseeva (Russian Federation)

E-learning Analyst at Center for IT Development and Expertise at Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

MOOCs: have academic violations become more prominent?




Friday, September 28

Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies

Main Hall



3,30 pm

Cultural-Historical Profiles


Antoine Cid (Francia)

President of Nouvelles Routes France-Chine. La Croisée des Regards

Transversal values and code of behaviour in Aristotelian and Confucian thought; comparative approach and pledge for cross-cultural dialogue


Esther Esho (Nigeria)

Admin Officer I at National Biotechnology Development Agency, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology – Abuja

A perspective of peace and development through the lens of ubuntu philosophy



4,30 pm

Welcome address

Prof. Lorenza Rega, Head of the Department



Plenary Session:

“Ethical tourism: how, when and why”


Chair: Cristina Favento


Maurizio Davolio (President of the Italian Association for Responsible Tourism (AITR), member of the National Council for Development Cooperation at the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs)
Come è perché è cambiato il turismo responsabile negli ultimi dieci anni.

(How and why Responsible Tourism has changed over the last ten years)


Roberta Biagiarelli (actress, author, documentary filmmaker)

Il viaggio che nutre

(The journey that feeds)


Artem Matveiev (Ukraine)

Co-founder of NGO ‘Ukrainian Expert Foundation’

Ethical threshold and social effects in the context of pressing ethical dilemmas


Fatjona Kodra (Albania)

Financier at Credins bank

Feed the world responsibly…




Saturday, September 29

Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies



9,00 – 11,00 am

Parallel Panels




Rights and Values. Languages of Citizenship


IV, 1

Hall D1


Viktor Miloshewski / Gabriella Valera


Mohamed Benjmoud (Morocco)

Local Development Officer at Morocco’s United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Right to dialogue through volunteering


Natalia Kiseleva (Russian Federation)

Junior Lawyer at Freytak and Sons

Ethical aspects of the development and promotion of human rights in the modern era


Claude Tendongfou Tafie (Cameroon)

Master’s Degree Student in Sociology and Anthropology at the Bamenda University of Science and Technoloy (BUST)

Cultural diversity, Ethics and human rights as universal standards of business


Nina Miholjcic (Serbia)

Independent IR Researcher

Moral obligations of States to let would-be immigrants in their territories


Kristine Nikoghosyan (Armenia)

Administrative assistant to the Vice-rector – Yerevan State University

The role of social partnership in the sphere of social policy



IV, 2

Hall A1


Georgi Filipov


Desh Deepak Dwivedi (India / China)

Managing Director at Maslow Initiative Foundation

Refugee influx in the third world: a conflict between ethics, security and historical experiences


Laura Takudzwa Nyamutora (Zimbabwe)

Administrator of Quantum Security / Founder of “Little People of Zimbabwe”

The LITTLE perspective


Anastasiia Korotun (Ukraine)

Student at Sumy State University, Faculty of Foreign Philology and Social Communications, Department of Germanic Philology

Step toward peace



IV, 3

Hall D3


Antonella Rizzo


Tigran Oganesian (Russian Federation)

Lecturer at the Department of international Law – Russian State University of Justice (Krasnodar)

Modern issues of Ethics in the activity of lawyers


Bronislav Totskyi (Ukraine)

PhD student at Koretsky Institute of state and law; attorney-at-law at IPHR

Euthanasia: legal and moral approaches


Olga Pyshkina (Russian Federation)

Senior Consultant (Communications) in the Nornickel

Society Ethics in Russia: LGBT issues and women rights




Teaching, Educating, Learning


V, 1

Hall G1


Antoine Cid / Hari Bertoja


Imran Ahmed (Pakistan)

Reading Quality Officer at Pakistan reading Project USAID (District Umerkot Sindh)

Education and learning


Abdallah-Amin Bouaricha (Algeria)


Ethics education in the light of globalization


Bedrudin Brljavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Reporter and interpreter at Anadolu Agency (AA) / Researcher and consultant in several non-governmental organizations and institutes

Democratic activism in the Balkans: Jajce high school students against ethno-national education


Tatiana Afanaseva (Russian Federation)

Associate professor at the Department of Marketing and Social Communication – Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics

“Soft skills” –  to teach or not to teach…



11,30 am – 1,30 pm

Hall F1

Plenary Session:

“Speaking the city”. Who are the stakeholders?

Chair: Fabiana Martni


Francesco Auletta

Chamber of Commerce of Trieste

Essere cittadini economici, diventare imprenditori

(Being economic citizens, becoming entrepreneurs)


Martina Vocci

Giornalista Tele-Capodistria

Dall’identità alla città


Lama Abu Samra (Jordan / Hungary)

Student and researcher – University of Pécs, Hungary

Business Ethics


Olga Matveieva (Ukraine)

Assistant professor at the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute for Public Administration

Economic behavioral Ethics in the context of sustainable development goals achieving




Saturday, September 29

Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies



3,00 – 4,30 pm

Parallel panels



Hall D3


Gabriella Valera / Antonella Rizzo


Shubham Makar (India)

Student entrepreneur studying Electronic and Communication Engineering at JP Noida University, India

CRAFITA: eliminating differences and discrimination among rural people using education under proper work Ethics


Mathieu Lizotte (Canada)

Master’s degre candidate, research assistant and lecturer at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Why and how to adress, in class, prejudices against Muslims. Implementing the teacher’s guide “Québécois, Muslim… what does the future hold?”


Sveva Battaglia

Research fellow at Università Ca’ Foscari (Venezia)

Lingue, culture e punti di vista possibili: il ruolo della comunicazione interculturale per conoscere e comprendere

(Languages, cultures and possible points of view: the role of intercultural communication in learning and understanding)




Cultural-Historical Profiles


Hall D1


Antoine Cid


Sina Rahini motem (Iran / Finland)

Co-Founder of Nordix Earthina

The ethical factors beyond decades, rudimentary study of ethical values in Rumi poems in 12th century


Yuliia Kozhukhovska (Ukraine)

PhD graduate in Classical languages, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

The Sublime as a category of Ethics. The axiological mode of poetry: a case study of modern Greek poetry



5,30- 8,00 pm


General Debate




Sunday, September 30



10,30 am

Casa della Musica – via Capitelli 3, Trieste

“PENNILLESSE”, A dreamlike documentary that narrates the James Joyce years in Trieste and traces a genesis of the masterpiece Ulysses. Those were years when the Irish writer was a teacher and was always penniless. A Triestine itinerary in the places and images that inspired Joyce in the writing of the Ulysses. The palaces, the visions, the delirium of the writer reinterpreted with attention to the concrete world, to everyday problems, to the poetic inspiration of the author in perfect harmony with the city and its seduction. By Massimiliano Cocozza, With Renzo Stefano Crivelli.

English subtitles



5,00 pm

Casa della Musica – via Capitelli 3, Trieste

“Gift of Cultures”: Music, Poetry, Stories… from the World

Proposals and performances by the “Forumers”





The Forum is a part of the Project Poetry and Solidarity Language of the peoples

realized with the financial support of:






Apice – Agenzia di Promozione Integrata per i Cittadini in Europa; Associazione Culturale Bravò; Associazione Giuliani nel mondo; Associazione Progetto7Lune; Centro Internazionale di Studi e Documentazione per la Cultura Giovanile; Associazione italiana Giovani per l’UNESCO; Comune di Duino; Federalberghi; Fondazione Ellenica di Cultura; Forum Nazionale dei Giovani; Forum Regionale dei Giovani Campania; Inštitut Nove Revije, zavod za humanistiko (Lubiana).




Poesia e Solidarietà





Ethics of Complexity / Complexity of Ethics


World Youth Forum Right to Dialogue XI Edition

Debates, Cultural-historical Events, Friendship





27 – 30 September 2018

World Youth Forum Right to Dialogue XI Edition

Debates, Cultural-historical Events, Friendship





27 – 30 September 2018

Organizer: Associazione Poesia e Solidarietà


In cooperation with                                                                                                                                                                                            






Centro Internazionale di Studi e Documentazione

                                                per la Cultura Giovanile – Trieste













Trieste (Italy)



September 27, 2018


Sala Multimediale Tessitori- Consiglio Regionale,

Piazza Oberdan 5, Trieste


September 28 – 30, 2018

University of Trieste

Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies

via Fabio Filzi 14





Thursday, September 27



5,30 – 7.15 pm

Sala Multimediale Tessitori- Consiglio Regionale, Piazza Oberdan 5, Trieste

The Silk Road: culture and economy

With Francesco Defilippo, journalist and essayist talking about his “Il dragone rampante” (The rampant dragon), and Antoine Cid, president of Nouvelles Routes France-Chine. La Croisée des Regards.
With the participation and conduction of Francesco Russo, Vice President of  FVG Regional Council.





Friday, September 28

Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies



8,00 am


Registration of the participants



9,15 am

Main Hall

Introduction to the Forum



10,00 am – 1,30 pm

Parallel Panels




From Individual to Value. The Form of Relationships
Ethics and Power


I, 1

Hall D3


Alessandra Coppola/ Antoine Cid


Carla  Acciavatti (Italy)

Environmental prevention specialist

Etica: possibilità per l’uomo di riscoprire la propria unicità nell’epoca della comunicazione di massa

(Ethics: possibility for man to rediscover his uniqueness in the age of mass communication)


Mehdi Rezgui (Tunisia)

Cultural Studies’ researcher at the Higher Institute of Languages – Tunis

The will to Ethics: beyond ethical responsibility


Kristina Khutsishvili (Russian Federation / Italy)

PhD candidate at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa

The issues of responsibility in the age of popular


Mirela Dragu (Romania)

Business analyst at BearingPoint

Ethics in organizational leadership


Nana Robitashvili (Georgia)

Deputy Director of Tbilisi Youth Centers Union

Ethical leadership: why do Ethics matter for organizational success?




Economic and Ethical Values. That is: on Complexity


II, 1

Hall A1


Natalia Kiseleva / Gabriella Valera


Sutauri Duisembiyeva (Kazakhstan)

Head researcher – Scientist’s Union of Kazakhstan

Economic Ethics: philosophy for economists


Georgi Filipov (Bulgaria)

President of Europe on the move

Economic Ethics – discipline and responsibilities


Florinda Ndoja (Albania)

Finance lecturer

The Ethical economic situation in Albania: the drivers to growth and change of political mentality and Ethics


Tamara Tica (Bosnia and Herzegovina / Serbia)

Political science student at the University of Belgrade

To have a (sustainable) cake and eat it too: ethical consumption under capitalism


Arjeta Hallunovi Shpuza (Albania)

Lecturer / researcher (PhD) at the Aleksander Moisiu Univeristy – Durres

Ethics in public administration in Albania


Iva Kazanxhiu (Albania)

Lawyer at B-Pro company

Free professions in European Union: lawyers




Generating Values: Communication, Information, Dialogue


III, 1

Hall D1


Desh Dwivedi


Olufemi Mirth Adenitan (Nigeria)

(Bsc LLB MA), Executive Director at Green House Resource Center (GHRC), Nigeria

Rethinking knowledge production in Nigeria: operationalising the concept of decolonizing the mind


Akintunde Hareef Akerele (Nigeria / Germany)

Student at the University of Stuttgart (Masters Geomatics Engineering)

Communication Ethics in social services


Rim Hayat Chaif (Algeria / Italy)

Investigative journalist, blogger and human rights activist

Algeria: journalism Ethics on reporting about migration issues


Olena Butnyk (Ukraine)

Associate Professor at the Department of Law and Public Administration – Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Ethics in the digital world


Tatiana Semenova (Russian Federation)

Researcher at National Research University Higher School of Economics

The problem of Ethics in online learning


Anna Kabba (Russian Federation / United Kingdom)

Founder at Arts With Anna society

Ethics in art management



III, 2

Hall G1


Enrico Elefante/ Hari Bertoja


Spencer Melang Kafa (Cameroon)

Research Student in Sociology/Anthropology at the FONAP Polytechnic – Buea

Communication Ethics in the human and business environment


Milena Rubleva (Russian Federation)

Master student in Cultural and Intellectual History, HSE (Moscow) / University of Cologne

Russian digital archives: Ethics as marketing tool


Cristina Teodora Stoica (Canada)

Ph.D. Student at University of Western Ontario

The ‘Goodness’ of Ethics?’: the importance of commitment and regulation of ethical conduct in research publications


Viktor Miloshevski (Macedonia, Rep. of / Spain)

Doctorand at the University of Balearic Islands in the field of Human Cognition and Evolution

Onlife community debate, thinking about ethics in the infosphere


Natalia Evseeva (Russian Federation)

E-learning Analyst at Center for IT Development and Expertise at Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

MOOCs: have academic violations become more prominent?




Friday, September 28

Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies

Main Hall



3,30 pm

Cultural-Historical Profiles


Antoine Cid (Francia)

President of Nouvelles Routes France-Chine. La Croisée des Regards

Transversal values and code of behaviour in Aristotelian and Confucian thought; comparative approach and pledge for cross-cultural dialogue


Esther Esho (Nigeria)

Admin Officer I at National Biotechnology Development Agency, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology – Abuja

A perspective of peace and development through the lens of ubuntu philosophy



4,30 pm

Welcome address

Prof. Lorenza Rega, Head of the Department



Plenary Session:

“Ethical tourism: how, when and why”


Chair: Cristina Favento


Maurizio Davolio (President of the Italian Association for Responsible Tourism (AITR), member of the National Council for Development Cooperation at the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs)
Come è perché è cambiato il turismo responsabile negli ultimi dieci anni.

(How and why Responsible Tourism has changed over the last ten years)


Roberta Biagiarelli (actress, author, documentary filmmaker)

Il viaggio che nutre

(The journey that feeds)


Artem Matveiev (Ukraine)

Co-founder of NGO ‘Ukrainian Expert Foundation’

Ethical threshold and social effects in the context of pressing ethical dilemmas


Fatjona Kodra (Albania)

Financier at Credins bank

Feed the world responsibly…




Saturday, September 29

Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies



9,00 – 11,00 am

Parallel Panels




Rights and Values. Languages of Citizenship


IV, 1

Hall D1


Viktor Miloshewski / Gabriella Valera


Mohamed Benjmoud (Morocco)

Local Development Officer at Morocco’s United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Right to dialogue through volunteering


Natalia Kiseleva (Russian Federation)

Junior Lawyer at Freytak and Sons

Ethical aspects of the development and promotion of human rights in the modern era


Claude Tendongfou Tafie (Cameroon)

Master’s Degree Student in Sociology and Anthropology at the Bamenda University of Science and Technoloy (BUST)

Cultural diversity, Ethics and human rights as universal standards of business


Nina Miholjcic (Serbia)

Independent IR Researcher

Moral obligations of States to let would-be immigrants in their territories


Kristine Nikoghosyan (Armenia)

Administrative assistant to the Vice-rector – Yerevan State University

The role of social partnership in the sphere of social policy



IV, 2

Hall A1


Georgi Filipov


Desh Deepak Dwivedi (India / China)

Managing Director at Maslow Initiative Foundation

Refugee influx in the third world: a conflict between ethics, security and historical experiences


Laura Takudzwa Nyamutora (Zimbabwe)

Administrator of Quantum Security / Founder of “Little People of Zimbabwe”

The LITTLE perspective


Anastasiia Korotun (Ukraine)

Student at Sumy State University, Faculty of Foreign Philology and Social Communications, Department of Germanic Philology

Step toward peace



IV, 3

Hall D3


Antonella Rizzo


Tigran Oganesian (Russian Federation)

Lecturer at the Department of international Law – Russian State University of Justice (Krasnodar)

Modern issues of Ethics in the activity of lawyers


Bronislav Totskyi (Ukraine)

PhD student at Koretsky Institute of state and law; attorney-at-law at IPHR

Euthanasia: legal and moral approaches


Olga Pyshkina (Russian Federation)

Senior Consultant (Communications) in the Nornickel

Society Ethics in Russia: LGBT issues and women rights




Teaching, Educating, Learning


V, 1

Hall G1


Antoine Cid / Hari Bertoja


Imran Ahmed (Pakistan)

Reading Quality Officer at Pakistan reading Project USAID (District Umerkot Sindh)

Education and learning


Abdallah-Amin Bouaricha (Algeria)


Ethics education in the light of globalization


Bedrudin Brljavac (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Reporter and interpreter at Anadolu Agency (AA) / Researcher and consultant in several non-governmental organizations and institutes

Democratic activism in the Balkans: Jajce high school students against ethno-national education


Tatiana Afanaseva (Russian Federation)

Associate professor at the Department of Marketing and Social Communication – Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics

“Soft skills” –  to teach or not to teach…



11,30 am – 1,30 pm

Hall F1

Plenary Session:

Speaking the city”. Who are the stakeholders?

Chair: Fabiana Martni


Francesco Auletta

Chamber of Commerce of Trieste

Essere cittadini economici, diventare imprenditori

(Being economic citizens, becoming entrepreneurs)


Martina Vocci

Giornalista Tele-Capodistria

Dall’identità alla città


Lama Abu Samra (Jordan / Hungary)

Student and researcher – University of Pécs, Hungary

Business Ethics


Olga Matveieva (Ukraine)

Assistant professor at the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute for Public Administration

Economic behavioral Ethics in the context of sustainable development goals achieving




Saturday, September 29

Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies



3,00 – 4,30 pm

Parallel panels



Hall D3


Gabriella Valera / Antonella Rizzo


Shubham Makar (India)

Student entrepreneur studying Electronic and Communication Engineering at JP Noida University, India

CRAFITA: eliminating differences and discrimination among rural people using education under proper work Ethics


Mathieu Lizotte (Canada)

Master’s degre candidate, research assistant and lecturer at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Why and how to adress, in class, prejudices against Muslims. Implementing the teacher’s guide “Québécois, Muslim… what does the future hold?”


Sveva Battaglia

Research fellow at Università Ca’ Foscari (Venezia)

Lingue, culture e punti di vista possibili: il ruolo della comunicazione interculturale per conoscere e comprendere

(Languages, cultures and possible points of view: the role of intercultural communication in learning and understanding)




Cultural-Historical Profiles


Hall D1


Antoine Cid


Sina Rahini motem (Iran / Finland)

Co-Founder of Nordix Earthina

The ethical factors beyond decades, rudimentary study of ethical values in Rumi poems in 12th century


Yuliia Kozhukhovska (Ukraine)

PhD graduate in Classical languages, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

The Sublime as a category of Ethics. The axiological mode of poetry: a case study of modern Greek poetry



5,30- 8,00 pm


General Debate




Sunday, September 30



10,30 am

Casa della Musica – via Capitelli 3, Trieste

 “PENNILLESSE”, A dreamlike documentary that narrates the James Joyce years in Trieste and traces a genesis of the masterpiece Ulysses. Those were years when the Irish writer was a teacher and was always penniless. A Triestine itinerary in the places and images that inspired Joyce in the writing of the Ulysses. The palaces, the visions, the delirium of the writer reinterpreted with attention to the concrete world, to everyday problems, to the poetic inspiration of the author in perfect harmony with the city and its seduction. By Massimiliano Cocozza, With Renzo Stefano Crivelli.

English subtitles



5,00 pm

Casa della Musica – via Capitelli 3, Trieste

“Gift of Cultures”: Music, Poetry, Stories… from the World

Proposals and performances by the “Forumers”





The Forum is a part of the Project Poetry and Solidarity Language of the peoples

realized with the financial support of:










Media partnership:





In partnership with

Apice – Agenzia di Promozione Integrata per i Cittadini in Europa; Associazione Culturale Bravò; Associazione Giuliani nel mondo; Associazione Progetto7Lune; Centro Internazionale di Studi e Documentazione per la Cultura Giovanile; Associazione italiana Giovani per l’UNESCO; Comune di Duino; Federalberghi; Fondazione Ellenica di Cultura; Forum Nazionale dei Giovani; Forum Regionale dei Giovani Campania; Inštitut Nove Revije, zavod za humanistiko (Lubiana).