In the context of èStoria 2018 the meeting takes place:

Female migrations: violations, rhetorical forms of protection
Coordinates Gabriella Valera (Director of the iSDC – International Study and Documentation Centre for Youth Culture)
Valentina Ruscica (PhD student in Humanities – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
Trafficking of Nigerian women for sexual exploitation
Consuelo Bianchelli (Collaborator of the Interdepartmental Research Center on Discrimination and Vulnerability of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. (CRID)
Migratory routes and criminal networks dedicated to trafficking
Gabriella Valera (Director of the International Center for Studies and Documentation for Youth Culture – iSDC)
Rights (human) in the mirror: the defenseless vulnerabilities and the forms of protection
iSDC (International Center for Studies and Documentation for Youth Culture) and CRID (Interdepartmental Research Center on Discrimination and Vulnerability)

Trafficking” for the purpose of sexual exploitation is one of the new slavery in the global system, of legal and illegal “parallel economies” that move with their own laws but with similar exploitation mechanisms. The analysis of the phenomenon, presented by Consuelo Bianchelli and Valentina Ruscica, young scholars engaged in research and in the field, derives the need to found  protection of vulnerabilities, often entrusted to humanitarian intervention, in the force of law and rights.

The meeting (organized by iSDC – International Study and Documentation Centre for Youth Culture) and conducted by its director Professor Gabriella Valera, avoiding ideological polarizations or simple ethical condemnation, will observe the “naked body” of trafficking in its obscenity, not as an object of provocative scandal or revulsion, but placing the prostituted cover within the mirror function acted out by contemporary migration, in the biopolitical and homologation perspective of racism and sexism, which reveal in it a form of power, not to say the ‘form of power as biopower.
The same that is found in the story of Samia, the Somali girl who loved the wind and the sea, wanted to be a sprinter and decided to leave her country to realize the dream. It drowns in the Mediterranean, not far from Lampedusa, while the London Olympics await. To those of Beijing had managed to participate, winning the media attention and admiration of all, last in the race but determined to the end, even with its legs malnourished.
The book by Giuseppe Catozzella “Do not tell me you’re afraid”, from which some readings will be made, is written on the basis of a true testimony, which tells of the progressive and intensified exploitation during a journey with little space for hope.
The two meetings (Friday 18, 3.30 pm, readings from the book by Giuseppe Catozzella and Saturday 19, 5.30 pm, amele MIgrtationas) promote a reflection on power, economy, rights to which the public is invited to contribute with interventions in the large discussion windows at the end of each meeting.