The theme of work, young but not only, in his different viewpoints between requests and contradictions about yesterday and today, will be the central topic of the activities scheduled for the year 2016 by the International Study and Documentation Centre for the Youth Culture. It has been decided by the unanimity of the general assembly, during the ordinary session of the end of April which has also provided the acceptance of the estimated budget, adopted internal regulations and the confirmed the existing social charges for that three years.

Work” will be the object of the round table organized by the Centre in the imminent event èStoria planned in Gorizia from 19th to 22nd May. Successively, it will constitute the focus during the Study Days “Young Culture and Institutions” organized by the Centre itself, in Trieste, with the participation of qualified discussants wide listening spaces and debates between young people.

During the meeting a reflection has been developed about processes and contents of the already working collaboration between the Centre and other initiatives coherent in various way with its goals: particularly the World Youth Forum “Right to Dialogue”, which has place yearly in Trieste, and the Conference of International Society for Cultural History which in 2016 will be about the theme “Gender and Generations”.

It has been underlined the will to maintain a privileged connection with the University of Trieste, via the stipulation of a specific bilateral agreement, but also to accentuate the interaction with other universities and Italian and foreign research centres. In that case it has been started an awareness campaign which is also interpreted to expand the association base, both in the direction of students and young people in general, and in the direction of those associative bodies and organisms which, sharing the Centre purposes, could facilitate useful synergies.