La VIII edizione delle Giornate di Studio “Giovani. Cultura. Istituzioni”

A cura del Centro Internazionale di Studi e Documentazione per la cultura giovanile di Trieste si terrà ONLINE venerdì 3 dicembre dalle 15.30 alle 18.30. Leggi il programma.


«Entering complexity means getting out of banality».

A paradigm is a space made up of movable perimeters, implicit trajectories and multiple dimensions. Entering the paradigm of complexity is a method of blurring the margins, more than “highlighting” them. In open systems each element influences the others, not only through mechanical contact but also through correspondence and similarity. Both the social system with its own rules, norms and laws, and the physical system with its principles, data and theories, are far from equilibrium, and show sufficiently high levels of organization to be compared with each other. The superposition of these layers can provide the representation of an eco-system, endowed with properties emerging from their integration. This is the field of analysis that we are going to examine, stimulated by the contributions of young speakers selected from our members, and by the interventions of expert guests from the academic and research world. In this workspace, everyone is encouraged to make way for cooperation, interrelations and transformations which are crucial in personal growth, as well as in collective evolution. 

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